Delphine is the most delicate and sophisticated rat you ever will meet. As a patron of the finer things in life, she boasts an armoire of silk kaftans and hats from the world’s finest milliners acquired on her travels abroad.
When not swimming in the luxuries of five star hospitality, she’s at home in her penthouse apartment, gracefully stretched out on her eighteenth-century chaise lounge sipping martinis and playing her favourite vinyl records or swanning about town and spending nights at the theatre with her thespian friends, regaling them with stories of drama and adventure from days passed.
When I told my mum all about my new Namesake venture, all she could say was, ‘well you have to do a rat in a kaftan with a martini glass!‘ my reply? ‘Fine, but she’ll have to be wearing a turban!‘ – and so Delphine was born!
Delphine’s character is based on one which I think is quite familiar to a lot of us; you might recognise her from your favourite period drama, or perhaps you’re lucky enough to know her in real life! Her charismatic charm and distinction wickedly mixed with her zest for life is what makes her irresistible!
Of course someone like Delphine has a beautiful atrium in her home, she’s quite the gardenista.
As part of the pattern, you’ll find a selection of Delphine’s favourite indoor plants. You can either stitch the gathered selection that I’ve put together for you, stitch them singularly, or you can build your own from the trace-offs!
Delphine’s favourite quote ‘Treat Yo’Self’ is also included in her pattern. It’s reminds her to not only allow herself, and others, to enjoy life’s small pleasures, but the big ones too!
You can find Delphine’s pattern here or at your local fabric & stitchy store.
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