So lately, I’ve been really getting excited about learning to knit socks…
I mean, I haven’t started yet, there’s other (work-based Amy Kallissa) projects that I have to finish before I get started. I know I’m probably going to get addicted and I’m not going to want to stop until I have a pair finished!
For now, I’ve been really relishing in getting all of my supplies ready. Beautiful hand-dyed sock yarns, deciding between the double pointed needles and circular needles, endless choices of stitch markers… did you know these even things called “Sock Blockers”! I’ve been using yarns for the best part of my life, but I feel like I’ve stepped into a whole new world
Now if you’re a hooker (of the crochet variety) or a knitter, and you own a cat… You know sh*t’s about to get real. Don’t let my three-legged cat with dwarfism fool you… She has quite the victim mentality, climbing up on the roof and into trees then pretending not to be able to get down… walking out to the middle of the paddock and acting as though she’s too tired to walk home as she re-enacts her ‘fainting goat’ routine several times over.
Of a night-time, this little gremlin is quite the hunter. Just last night she unpacked 3 horrifically dangerous balls of Wonderfil thread, my beanie, a scrunchy and an embroidery hoop from a sewing basket I’d left on a desk in a room with the door shut. She lovingly left her haul of hunted craft supplies and winter accessories on the mat in the bathroom where I couldn’t possibly miss them first thing in the morning.
For this reason, I needed something pretty hardcore to keep my yarn and future sock project safe…
I did a bit of searching before I came across this FREE pattern by Anna Alicia for Frankie, and it’s possibly the best thing since the last best thing I announced!
You only need half a metre of each of two fabrics and the same of some interfacing, plus some other bits and bobs that you’ve probably already got.
You may remember this gorgeous Yarn fabric from Ruby Star Society that arrived in the shop a few weeks back now. It’s absolutely meant for making a yarn project bag, AND it matches perfectly with the Cotton + Steel, Freckles in Flamingo fabric as a contrast! (probs because it was designed by the same people…)
I quickly cut some off the bolt and shoved it over to Mum to make up for me, because ‘you always do things so much quicker and better than I do Mum…’ (don’t forget the puppy dog eyes) – calm down, it was just a busy week and I didn’t have time to sew one up, and she also did one for herself at the same time!
The pattern is really simple to follow, and a great project for beginners to check out too. Mum said she made a couple of little changes to suit her style a bit more, so you can add pockets or jazz it up a bit if you like without too much hassle!
My fave thing about the bag is that you can open it right up so that when you’re working your yarn, you can leave it in the bag, then when you’re done, just chuck your project back in and tighten the drawstring, maybe tie a knot in it if your cats of the real stealthy cat-burglar breed!
If you’d like to make one too, you can find the fabrics I used here…
Purl – Wound Up – Wool
Freckles – Flamingo
Happy stitching,
Amy x
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