Lana is a vivacious, spirited young lady with a passion for music festivals and design markets.
A professional dog walker and house flipper who runs ’pub crochet’ at her local tavern with the motto ’sip one, stitch one’. Lana’s love for DIY and handicrafts inspires those around her to get making and shaking! She’s the next generation forging the path for the comeback of Make It, Bake it, Sew it, Grow it.
One of the hardest things in kicking Namesake off was actually choosing only six animals. I wanted to choose an eclectic but familiar mix rather than the traditional woodland creatures that we see in a lot of places lately.
Lana & Charlie in real life!
Lana was one of the first to join the Namesake family – She’s modelled on my dear friend Lauren’s fur-baby and is also featured as a great part of Lauren’s business, Charlie and Lana! She’s one very famous dog – and my oh my doesn’t she know it!
In real life, Lana spends her days hanging out with her brother Charlie and bossing helping her mum crochet cacti by keeping a watchful eye on everything that happens, particularly in the kitchen! Whenever I go to Lauren’s house to visit, Charlie is happy to have a cuddle and get some attention and is happy to carry on doing his own thing; Lana however is more likely to be sitting up at the table with you, with her dinner-plate-sized paw on whatever your working on, staring knowingly at you as if to say, ‘you know I’m actually the boss of the world, right?!’ Sometimes she’ll just sit there and look at me, so straighty-one-eighty, so proper and regal; but you know that any minute she’s about to jump up and gallop over to get in on whatever action is happening!
Lana’s pattern introduces the specially designed “Motley Crewel” stitch – perfect for stitching those dorky knitted jumpers, blankets or rugs and manipulating the variegation within the threads. No matter how many times you will stitch with a particular colour, you’re always going to end up with a gorgeously different result!
The pattern includes a three-dimensional succulent that works a formed picot stitch – which I’ll be sharing a video tutorial for soon.
You’ll also find the pattern for Lana’s favourite quote “Dig It” which inspires her daily to work hard and play hard!
You can find Lana’s pattern here or at your local fabric & stitchy store, and you can watch the stitch tutorial on my freebies page soon!
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