“Made With #%*&@!” Greeting Card – Available in the shop.
“A stitch in time, saves nine… literally”
If you’ve known me for a while, you may remember one of my very first blog posts here, where I introduced the story behind the beginning of Amy Kallissa. That was almost two years ago.
A lot can change in two years – a lot can change in one week. For some – one day is all it takes for their whole world to change. I’ve been looking back over my Instagram and Facebook, and things that I’ve added along the way to the website – always growing and changing with me as a person.
One thing I have noticed, is that I seem to have lost myself a bit along the journey. Being a creative person, one of the hardest things for me to do is to actually sit down and create. Part of that comes from being a one-man-band I guess; Running my own business, I have to be a Photographer, a Writer, a Cleaner, a Graphic Designer, a Sewist, a Receptionist, an Accounts Manager plus a whole lot more! Working from my home based studio makes it all that more difficult too. Even though I try to be disciplined and highlight time out in my bullet journal for all the jobs that need doing – that pile of washing that needs to be done is still in my peripheral vision or Lola will be jumping up and tapping me on the arm – a guilt trip that I hadn’t had a chance to back my bags for! – she wants to go outside to play! Juggle that with a small part time job and full time Uni you’ll find that I have a misunderstood look on my face when I go on a date and a guy asks, “So Amy, what do you do in your spare time?” – huh?!
In the five minutes I have between climbing into bed each night and crashing and first waking up in the morning, I find myself spending a fair amount of time on Pinterest and Instagram in an effort to kick off the creative inspiration I need for the day. I swoon over everyone else’s immaculate pieces of work, wondering if I’ll ever be able to produce anything as amazing or as beautiful – again, my inner critic being the harshest I’ll ever know.
It’s time to be honest with myself again now though. And with you. It’s time to remember why I shared my story in the first place and why I started creating the way that I did.
“…[To] share this amazing art form through social inclusion, and provide nourishment and an innovative supportive environment. Amy Kallissa will design for and teach those who wish to create, be inspired and share the joys of a rewarding and therapeutic craft.“
It’s time for me to realise that my creative time isn’t something to feel guilty about. It’s just as important as the household chores and balancing the books. If anything, it may even be more important.
The importance of Mental Health is only just in it’s beginning stages of realisation for us as a society, although for some – like me, it’s a daily reality.
Having that creative outlet is what replenishes my serotonin. Most brain cells are affected directly or indirectly by serotonin where it regulates mood, social behaviour, libido, sleep, memory, and learning. Don’t worry, I’m not going to list all of the other health problems that a serotonin deficiency can cause – we all know how to use Google!
As with most craft activities there can be several stages throughout a sewing project. With each stage successfully completed there’s a great sense of accomplishment – It doesn’t have to be a giant project, and even the smallest projects will have their own small stages – it doesn’t matter how long you take to complete the project or whether it’s perfect or not! The point is that you’re taking time and enjoying the gratifying process!
From here – I’m once again reminding myself to get back to basics – what it was that I wanted to share with you all – the real & the raw – continuing to develop sewing projects that we can all achieve in those limited time frames we may be constricted to and still be able to gain that increasingly elusive serotonin kick!
I’m opening up a couple of new hashtags – not just for me – for everyone to share what they’re working on for themselves. To share what inspires you and makes your heart sing.
Has sewing helped you through a hard time? What boosts your serotonin levels?!
Love the website,wish to sign up for free school of stitch online course please.
Hi Anne-Marie! You can find all the information in the SOS Library and purchase the starter kit from the SOS Shop 🙂